林ちえこ Chieko Hayashi

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ピアニスト ヴォーカリスト 作曲家

 長野市出身 武蔵野音楽大学卒業後渡米。Berklee College of Musicに入学。在学中、ED Bedner Yuki Arimasa 各氏に師事。当時興味を持ったサルサのリズムに夢中になっていた頃、Berklee近くの大学、ニューイングランドコンサバトリーに赴任したピアニスト、Danilo Perez氏に出逢い卒業までレッスンを受けた。

 97年プエルトリコにてシーバスリーガルジャズフェスティバルに当初としては異例の大学奨学金受賞者と共に出演する。Berklee College of Music 卒業後帰国。

 2001年7月に鈴木ウータン正男(ds)と加藤真一(B)と共にJazz in 軽井沢に出演。それをきっかけにライブ活動をし始める。

 2006年Billy Hart(ds)とRon McClure(Bass)と共に初CD自己trioアルバム「His Neighborhood」発表.林本人の作曲「SDS ブルース+B」が同年12月より長野朝日放送の天気予報曲として深夜(月〜金)現在も放映中。又、音楽教育にも興味がありBerklee college of music に奨学金取得入学の指導、荒木一郎氏音楽監督映画 '森の歌が聞こえる'では合唱コンクールの場面を作る為、荒木氏の曲より合唱曲を作り子役15名に指導。山梨県で貴重な経験をする。


 2014年3月Ron McClure(Bass)監修、CD”滴shizuku”発表

 近年では2019年2020年と international songwriting competition のジャズ作曲部門で2年連続セミファイナリスト獲得(2019年は世界18000人応募の中、2020年は世界27000人応募の中より選出される)

Pianist, vocalist, composer

Born in Nagano City,
After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae, she moved to USA Boston.
During she studied at Berklee College of Music ,she learned classic piano with ED Bedner, and jazz piano lesson with Yuki Arimasa,
Also she learn from pianist Danilo Perez, who was assigned to the New England Conservatory, and took lessons from him until her graduate.

In 1997, he performed at the Chivas Regal Jazz Festival in Puerto Rico, along with a university scholarship recipient, which was unusual at the time. After graduating from Berklee College of Music, he returned to Japan.

In July 2001, he performed at Jazz in Karuizawa with Suzuki Woo-Tang Masao(ds) and Shinichi Kato (b). That was beginning to start her trio style.

In 2006, he released his first CD trio album "His Neighborhood" with Billy Hart (drums) and Ron McClure (bass).
Her own composition "SDS Blues + B" began airing as a weather forecast song on Nagano Asahi Broadcasting in December of the same year, and is still broadcast late at night (Monday to Friday). She is also interested in music education, and has coached students to get a scholarship to enter Berklee College of Music.
For the film “MORI NO UTA GA KIKOERU,” with music direction by Ichiro Araki, he created a chorus piece based on Araki's song to create 3 part of chorus for a choral competition, and coached 15 child actors. She got valuable experience in Yamanashi -Ken.

She also spent three years as a piano instructor for the jazz piano direction of Love, the sister unit of singer EXILE, in their concert.

She founded NOPIA Co., Ltd. in December 2013

Released the CD "Shizuku" in March 2014, supervised by Ron McClure (bass)

In recent years, won the semi-finalist position in the jazz composition category of the International Songwriting Competition for two consecutive years in 2019 and 2020 (selected from 18,000 applicants worldwide in 2019 and 27,000 applicants